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Political System and Authorities


Lebanon is a parliamentary democratic republic based on respect for public liberties, especially the freedom of opinion and belief and respect for social justice and equality of rights and duties among all citizens without discrimination. The constitution guarantees the freedom of expression, orally or writing, freedom of assembly, and freedom ...

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Lebanese Constitution


Lebanon is a parliamentary democratic republic based on respect for public liberties, especially the freedom of opinion and belief and respect for social justice and equality of rights and duties among all citizens without discrimination. The constitution guarantees the freedom of expression, orally or writing, freedom of assembly, and freedom ...

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Lebanese National Anthem


All of us! For our Country, for our Glory and Flag! Our valor and our writings are the envy of the ages. Our mountain and our valley, they bring forth stalwart men. And to Perfection we devote our words and labor. All of us! For our Country, for our Glory ...

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Will Merkel Pay for Doing the Right Thing?


A former German chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, recently called Angela Merkel’s decision to open the door to an unlimited number of refugees a “mistake” and offered this verdict: Merkel had a “heart, but no plan.” This view of the German leader, who is beloved but now begrudged, is gaining ground as ...

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The Media Market and the Graduates


Dr. Antoine Matta The link between the employment market and the university is not new or strange to the higher education in its various specializations and programs. It is effective in all the universities of the world and is part of the academic “globalization” of hiring due to the relation ...

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Information in Lebanon : a culture of law or the law of the jungle?


Dr. Antoine Nasri Messarra          Some lengthy political television programs in Lebanon merely present antagonist positions compelling the spectator to take sides with either one as in a football match. This kind of program constitutes a daily systematic education, based on dependence, subordination, allegiance and controversial positions. The outstanding absent ...

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