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Lebanon is well recognized for its well skilled, educated and multi-lingual labor force. Its new and expanding infrastructure is quickly becoming the best in the region, with a state-of-art telecommunications, a modern electricity network, new airport, expanding port facilities, and an ambitious road rehabilitation program.

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Financial Sector

Lebanon banks

Lebanon’s economy is backed by a reputable, efficient and professional banking sector noted for its secrecy laws and full currency convertibility policies which have ensured monetary stability and instilled consumer and investor confidence. The banking industry plays key roles in the Lebanese economy where banks dominate the financial system and ...

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Culture, Technology and Media


Despite its small population and geographical size, Lebanon plays an influential role in the production of information and media in the Arab world. Lebanon’s media is often seen as the most liberal in the region as the Lebanese press laws do not restrict freedom of expression and the state does ...

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The Lebanese tourism industry has been one of the main growth engines in its local economy and continues to be a major revenue generator for the country. Lebanon is renowned for being one of the top tourist destinations thanks to its strategic geographical position, rich historic sites, mild climate and ...

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General definition


Lebanon has a competitive and free market economy, based on a long tradition of liberal investment policies, free enterprise and private initiative. Unlike many countries in the region, Lebanon does not restrict the inward or outward movement of capital nor does it have any limitations on foreign exchange or repatriation ...

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Lebanese Economy


Strategically positioned at the crossroads of Africa, Asia and Europe and a gateway to the Middle Eastern market, Lebanon has established itself as a regional and international center for trade and enterprise. Lebanon offers plenty of advantages for potential local and international investors planning to develop new business in the ...

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Lebanon, with Beirut as its capital, covers a total surface area 0f 10,452 square kilometers. It is located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea between latitude 33 and 35 N and longitude 35 and 36 E. It is bordered on the north and east by Syria and on ...

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Political parties

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The most prominent political parties in Lebanon that are represented in the parliament are: Amal Movement- Free Patriotic Movement- Future Movement- Hezbollah- El Marada Party- Lebanese Phalange Party (Kataeb)- Progressive Socialist Party (PSP)- Lebanese Forces- Lebanese Democratic Party- Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Tashnag)- Syrian Social Nationalist Party- Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party- The Islamic Group…

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Historical Overview


Monuments discovered in Lebanon indicate that it is one of the oldest human settlements in the world, with over 5,000 years of recorded history. The Phoenicians, who invented the alphabet, were the early inhabitants of the country. They rose to fame on the shores of Lebanon where they engaged in ...

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