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FDA to lower nicotine levels in cigarettes

nicotin level

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration wants to lower nicotine levels in cigarettes so they aren’t so addictive. FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb announced the move Friday. The federal agency has had the power since 2009 to cut nicotine levels but hasn’t done so. The FDA plans to seek comments as ...

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Study: Gum disease linked to higher cancer risk in women

women cancer

Women who have a history of gum disease face a higher risk of several types of cancer, particularly tumors in the esophagus and breasts, a U.S. study found Tuesday. “A history of periodontal disease was associated with a 14 percent higher risk of developing any cancer,” said the study published ...

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Study: Oil, gas could be worth billions per year

lebanon fuel

The estimated average annual revenues from potential oil and gas reserves would be approximately $5.7 billion for 20 years, a study by Fransabank has said. “The government’s revenues are expected to be boosted from the exploitation of oil and gas: 15 percent corporate income tax, 60 percent profit share on ...

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The United States is working with Russia to stabilize Syria


Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Tuesday that the U.S. was working with Russia and others to find ways to stabilize Syria after Daesh’s (ISIS) defeat and to create new de-escalation zones in the war-torn country. His comments came a few days after the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly approved new sanctions ...

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Lebanese Army, vows to defeat terrorism

ميشال عون

The Cabinet is poised to make a new batch of administrative appointments this week, but the session will be dominated by issues such as the economy, electricity, and the security situation in Arsal following Hezbollah’s offensive that defeated militants in the northeastern town’s outskirts, official sources said Tuesday. The Cabinet ...

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Putin: US must cut diplomatic staff in Russia by 755


Moscow also plans to seize two US diplomatic properties in retaliation for new American sanctions targeting Russia The Guardian 31 July 2017 Reuters President Vladimir Putin said the United States would have to cut its diplomatic staff in Russia by 755 people and that Russia could consider imposing additional measures ...

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